
Monday, September 20, 2010

All Things Come to An End

The end of the tracks, in Brea, California.

All things come to an end
But none of us know when.
If you don't know what's around the bend,
remember that all things come to an end.

We cling too tightly to that which we have
assuming it was something we always had.
But we forget we lived independently
not knowing that ever we were in need.

We dread the change and we dread the new
being so familiar with what we're used to.
And we fear the most what we can't control
blind to see our crutch: the old.

Before every beginning, another thing was ending.
Before every divine appointment, there was a disappointment.
Lying before you is a path brand new
And now you are free to do whatever you want to.

Don't shy away
and don't be afraid.
Seek to pray
and find the right way.

This is your time
and this is your chance
to do something sublime
and to make a difference.

All things come to an end
But none of us know when.
If you don't know what's around the bend,
remember that all things come to an end.


  1. Matt...thanks for this poem. It is exactly what I needed to hear this week. I am assuming you wrote it?


  2. This is beautiful. Such a good visual to remind us that everything comes to an end here on earth. But after this life--it's not just over like "poof". We have a brand new beginning, for ETERNITY with God that will blow our socks off! (Hm, I wonder if we will be wearing socks in heaven? Maybe just the first day we'll come in wearing them and the experience of our first day for the rest of eternity will be so intense and amazing that our socks will all LITERALLY be blown off :) lol).
