Taken with a Canon Pellix on Kodak 35mm film.
This is a magical spot. Kind of like today was.
As I mentioned in the previous post, my cousin was in town. I get to see him once every two years or so, and it's been this way as long as I can remember. He lived in Georgia, I lived in Pennsylvania. Now I live in California and he lives in Alabama.
But last night he slept at my house. Today I got the chance to show him some of my favorite spots in Southern California. This was a no-brainer.
I have been obsessed with the mountains since I moved to California. When I moved, I arrived on May 31st, and I had no idea that 10,000 foot mountains were in the area for a few weeks. The very first time I saw those mountains (the first day there were clear skies) I was filled with an unstoppable desire: drive to those mountains.
So I drove in who-knows-what direction, as long as my car was pointed at the looming monstrosity on the horizon. Eventually I ended up on "Mountain Road" which I thought was a good indicator that I'd end up somewhere in the right area.
Well, that one incredible night when I first discovered the beauty and awe of such creation has inspired a continued interest. One of my first adventures after obtaining a 35mm SLR camera was driving up to the mountains.
One way or another, I discovered this beautiful wooded area just off the road to the peak. Where all the surrounding mountains and terrain are gray, rocky, and filled with only brush, this area is green, lush, and full of trees. This is like an oasis in the harsh desert mountain environment.
Today, Joe and I came down here and lingered for a while. The natural spring water tasted delicious, and felt refreshing to dip the feet into. Our entire mountain experience today was quite perfect and magical, and everything worked like it was supposed to. We drove for hours in the San Gabriel mountain range, and were in awe the entire time.
More pictures from this spot forthcoming, once I can get the black & white film developed. ;)
You are very good with your words, Matt! I really enjoy reading the descriptions of where each photo comes from and how it pertains special interest to you. This was definitely a good idea! THank you for sharing.