
Thursday, August 5, 2010

The End of an Era

This picture was taken within hours of me moving out of the city of Chicago. My last 2 days there are filled with memory, and this night I stayed up all night until sunrise. I looked out my window, and there was this spider in front of the colored sky. Picture-worthy, I knew it.

Here is also a poem I wrote a few days before leaving. Looking back 3 years later, it still makes sense, and I've fulfilled the parts about making new memories in the next phase of my life. Hope you can relate to it.

I could go into the stairwell
and scream
21 floors of echo
and it would fit.

Bare walls
tall concrete
I am leaving this world
hard and barren to see, to touch, to smell
but the memories are warm

What will I find in the next world?
Different to the eyes, the fingers, the nose
but there too, in my heart
it will be a lush palace
a heaven
a history of mine.

It is the memory
that makes all the difference.


  1. You fail to bore me with your postings! Each one is new, different, refreshing and insightful! I love the photography, but I also love reading what you have to say about each photo. This poem is beautiful. It feels like it reveals a sense of vulnerability and rawness, but allows so much change, growth and difference to be made.
    Thank you, again, for sharing this piece of art!

  2. Thanks again Lindsey! I love validation and you give it on every post!

  3. Even though spiders give me the heebbie geebies I love this picture. Can't say it enough- I loooove the blog. Your photos rock and it's a bonus to hear your thoughts behind them. I keep bugging Heidi K. to start a photo blog too! :)

  4. Every photo has a story! Boom, new tagline.
