
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Some Things Just Make Sense

Taken with a Canon AE-1 Program on Kodak 200 ISO film.

Steven stayed at my house this weekend.

A few posts down, you'll read about Kyle moving up to the Central Coast. When I drove him up the coast, I met Steven. Steven and Kyle were in a band. I played two shows with that band.

I love Steven's musical spirit. Every musician has one; some are casual about it and some are serious. With the serious ones, it doesn't take long to feel it. His voice is absolutely full of feeling. He's not precise and he's not calculated, that's for sure. But as soon as he begins to sing, I'm hooked. There is something about his voice that is so real and so honest. I know he's missing the exact notes...I don't care. I want to hear more of it.

We recorded a song over the last two nights. I can't stop listening to it.

This picture was taken in Cambria, California. It was 95 degrees 20 miles inland, and we came to Cambria and it looked like this. Overcast and cool. We needed hoodies. They took me to this beach, with rocks and cliffs jutting into the water. I could hear Steven's voice, distant over the crashing waves and wind. Being that it was taken on film, I had limited chances to capture the perfect shot. I remember pointing the camera at him and waiting for a wave to crash. One did, and I snapped. This picture wasn't developed/printed for 6 months after I took it. When I looked at the prints, I was in awe of how this turned out. Gotta love film.

1 comment:

  1. Wow--it's incredible how you had the timing down so well--and it's not like you had a Canon digital where you could snap 10 shots in a row and know that you got a good one in there somewhere.
    What amazes me most about this picture though is it's perspective from where you're standing. I love how huge the ocean is in comparison to Steven--it just goes to show the beauty of our Creator!

    P.S. I totally want to see your wall of photos sometime!
