
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sunset Beach

Could there be a more appropriate name for this beach?

The first summer I moved to California, I had a few friends that I knew from Moody in Chicago who were from Southern California. One evening I drove down to hang out with Heidi & Matt. We got in Heidi's dad's BMW convertible and started driving up the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway). This is always a good idea. If you have never been on the PCH, I can summarize it pretty quickly: you are driving alongside the ocean.

We got to this beach town and parked, and walked out onto the sand. As is usually the case with photography, if you look the opposite direction of the obvious subject, you can usually find some pretty interesting pictures. I thought it was perfect how the windows of these amazing houses were all the same color as the sunset.

That night we drove all the way to Long Beach with the top down. This memory still has a warm place in my heart. I was now living in California, driving up the coast with the top down, and with good friends. Can't beat it.


  1. Lindsey Renee Senna "likes" this photo! Sunsets are my thing! I love them. I draw them as much as I can on my free time when sketching. This is a really cool 'rendition' or 'alternative perspective' of such a beautiful sunset. Thank you!
